The forgotten Stig

The Stig

One of Top Gears main features was of course The Stig, an anonymous racing driver unparalleled in the racing world. However with the recent ‘fracas’ around Top Gear The Stig has been left jobless and homeless, will he appear on Clarkson and co’s new show on Amazon as they will clearly need a precision driver at some point. We still have no idea if Chris Evan’s new Top Gear will need a Stig. There have been rumours that Ben Collins the ex Stig has been in talks with Clarkson, Hammond and May over joining them on the new show. As for the current Stig there is no word on whether he will be needed or if he will just fade off into the sunset never to be revealed.

So here it is, what could be a eulogy to The Stig, a once great test driver left homeless through events not his fault, its rather sad really. But if you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find him….maybe you can hire The Stig